shanghai clinical research center (scrc) operates as a 3rd-party full-service assessment and resource center to facilitate drug development. scrc is developing a core resource platform with coverage of clinical research sites throughout china. a fully equipped central laboratory with glp capabilities, a state-of-the-art data management and a bio-statistics system position scrc as a leader in drug development services in china. founded under the collaborative framework of the ministry of science and technology and the shanghai municipality in 2008, scrc endeavors to be a pioneer in the globalization of drug development in china by provision of the link necessary between pharmaceutical companies and hospitals. with superior technical skills, abundant public resources, necessary infrastructure and a network providing access to large patient populations, scrc is dedicated to meeting the challenging needs for clinical expertise, quality services and technological innovation in global drug development. bearing the commitment to be the practitioner of the national innovation strategy, scrc also hosts a bio-bank and a translational medical research center, which will leverage the research power by bridging the clinical practice and the fundamental research. |
根据中国工程院和上海市人民政府签署的合作协议,经市编委批准由上海市科学技术委员会负责组建、运行和管理,在原“上海中国工程院院士联络处”的基础上,于2001年7月26日成立上海市中国工程院院士咨询与学术活动中心(以下简称“上海院士中心”),是具有独立法人资格的事业单位。 “上海院士中心”旨在加强和扩大中国工程院与上海市的联系和合作,执行“合作委员会”确定的各项工作和任务,充分发挥在沪院士及各学科专家的优势,对上海市及有关地区的经济建设、社会发展中的重大工程科技问题、发展规划、计划、方案及其实施等提供咨询;活跃国际和国内的学术活动,承办科技论坛;加快青年科技人才的成长;做好在沪院士的联络和相关服务。 |
上海申康医院发展中心是市政府设立的国有非营利性的事业法人,是市级公立医疗机构国有资产投资、管理、运营的责任主体和政府办医的责任主体。 一方面,申康医院发展中心受市国资委委托,承担投资举办市级公立医疗机构的职能,对市级公立医疗机构的国有资产实施监督管理,履行出资人职责,承担国有资产保值增效责任;另一方面,作为市政府的办医主体,申康医院发展中心将根据市政府的要求,坚持正确的办医方向,办好市级公立医疗机构,进一步提高市级医疗机构的整体水平,为患者提供质优、价廉的医疗服务。 |
“上海枫林生命科学联盟”是由徐汇区人民政府和上海市科学技术委员会发起、联合生物医药领域大院大所大校大企共同成立。“枫林联盟”以协同创新、开放合作的理念,对生命科学领域优势资源进行整合联动,旨在推动上海市和徐汇区生物医药原始研发创新和高端产业集聚,激发创新内涵,打造产业高地。“枫林联盟”是一个“双引擎”驱动的开放式协同创新网络联盟。一方面,推动区域内科研院所进行协同创新合作,建设创新高地;另一方面,推动国内外知名医药公司总部集聚,建设产业高地。通过推动有影响力的协同创新合作,实施技术转移与成果转化;营造良好的创新和产业生态环境,推进高端产业组织集聚;搭建功能服务平台,不断完善相关运行机制。 |
in 2010, scrc starts to organize shanghai engineering research center of biobank under the authorization of shanghai science & technology committee. shanghai engineering research center of biobank aims to offer technical solutions to the construct of standardized biobank in shanghai and provide resource and technical support to the development of biomedical industry. |